The National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) on Friday said the ‘UPI for Secondary Market’ launch would take place next week. The launch of ‘UPI for Secondary Market’ is set to commence next week in its Beta phase for the equity cash segment, with the collaborative support of key stakeholders including clearing corporations, stock exchanges, depositories, stockbrokers, banks, and UPI app providers, NPCI said in a statement.
Initially, this functionality will be available for a limited set of pilot customers, it said. During this pilot, it said, investors can block funds in their bank accounts, which will only be debited by the Clearing Corporations upon trade confirmation during settlement. Clearing Corporations will directly process payouts to these clients on a T+1 basis.
Other stakeholders, including stockbrokers such as Zerodha, Customer banks like Axis Bank and Yes Bank, and UPI-enabled apps like Paytm and PhonePe are in the certification stage and set to participate in the Beta launch soon, it said. The Application Supported By Blocked Amount (ASBA) like facility of ‘Trading supported by blocked amount in Secondary Market’ through block mechanism was approved by SEBI, based on the RBI approved facility of single-block-and-multiple-debit in UPI, with the implementation timeline of January 1.
(Inputs from PTI)