Namo Bharat on Track: NCRTC begins trial run on Duhai-Meerut stretch of RRTS Corridor! Cutting-edge testing underway – All you need to know

The National Capital Region Transport Corporation (NCRTC) has officially begun the trial run for Namo Bharat trains, marking a significant milestone for the Regional Rapid Transit System (RRTS) corridor between Duhai and Meerut South stations. The trial run signifies a crucial step towards making the entire 42 km stretch of the Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut RRTS corridor operational in the near future, according to an official statement by the NCRTC.

Comprehensive Testing of Namo Bharat Trains

During the trial runs, Namo Bharat trains are undergoing thorough testing to evaluate the fitness of all subsystems and equipment. The testing involves the operation of the train along the entire length at various speeds, initially under manual control as part of the train control management system.

Upcoming Operationalization of Duhai to Meerut South Stretch

The 25-km stretch between Duhai and Meerut South station is poised to become the next operational segment of the RRTS corridor for the public. This stretch encompasses four stations: Murad Nagar, Modi Nagar North, Modi Nagar South, and Meerut South.

Construction Progress Leading to Operationalization

In June, the construction of the viaduct up to Meerut South was completed, marking a crucial milestone with the installation of the last span.

Subsequent construction works, including track laying, overhead electrification (OHE) installation, signalling and telecom, and electrical installations, have been progressing rapidly in this section, as mentioned in the official statement.

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