Benchmark indices NSE Nifty 50 and BSE Sensex were trading in the red in the intraday trade on Friday. The Nifty 50 slipped 77.25 points or 0.39% to 19,582.65 and 30-share Sensex fell 342.08 points or 0.52% to 65,924.74. Among the broader market indices – Nifty Next 50 rose 0.57%, Nifty Midcap 50 gained 0.23%, Nifty Smallcap 100 jumped 0.19%, and Nifty Microcap 250 jumped 0.04% while Nifty 100 fell 0.20%, Nifty 200 slipped 0.14% Nifty 500 fell 0.08% and the Nifty Volatility Index fell 0.40%
In the sectoral indices, Nifty Bank fell 0.58%, Nifty Auto slipped 0.56%, Nifty Financial Services fell 0.63%, Nifty IT slipped 1.07%, Nifty Metal fell 0.11% and Nifty Private Bank fell 0.44% while Nifty FMCG gained 0.32%, Nifty Media rose 0.35%, Nifty PSU Bank rose 0.33%, Nifty Oil & Gas jumped 0.63% and the Nifty Realty Index soared 1.64%. HDFC Bank, Reliance Industries, Intellect Design Arena, Tata Power, RBL Bank, Axis Bank, ICICI Bank, REC and Rail Vikas Nigam were the most active stocks on NSE.
Stocks at 52-Week Lows
Johnson Controls – Hitachi Air Conditioning India, Rajesh Exports, UPL, Bkm Industries, Goyal Aluminiums, Shrenik, SREI Infrastructure Finance, and Viji Finance were among the 9 stocks that hit 52-week lows today.
Volume Gainers
Greenlam Industries, Intellect Design Arena, Sundaram Finance Holdings, Vesuvius India, Sundram Fasteners, DPSC, Foseco India, JM Financial, Exxaro Tiles, Fino Payments Bank, Nuvoco Vistas Corporation, Westlife Foodworld, Bal Pharma, Ajanta Pharma, and Uniphos Enterprises were among the top volume gainers.