Prime Minister Narendra Mod inaugurated six new Vande Bharat Express trains on Saturday (December 30). The launch ceremony was conducted virtually from Ayodhya. The introduction of these new Vande Bharat routes marks a major stride in the country’s high-speed rail network. These semi-high speed trains are designed to enhance connectivity and efficiency across various regions.
The six new routes include Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Katra-New Delhi Vande Bharat Express, Amritsar-Delhi Vande Bharat Express, Coimbatore-Bangalore Cantt Vande Bharat Express, Mangalore-Madgaon Vande Bharat Express, Jalna-Mumbai Vande Bharat Express, and Ayodhya-Anand Vihar Terminal Vande Bharat Express.
— ANI (@ANI) December 30, 2023
Enhancing connectivity
This event showcased India’s commitment to advancing its rail infrastructure and providing improved connectivity to passengers. These Vande Bharat Express trains, known for their speed and modern amenities, aim to redefine the travel experience for commuters on these specific routes.
The Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Katra-New Delhi and Amritsar-Delhi routes are poised to benefit pilgrims and travelers between these two important destinations. Similarly, Coimbatore-Bangalore Cantt route and Mangalore-Madgaon Vande Bharat Express strengthens rail connectivity in southern India and western coast, catering to the needs of passengers in these regions.
PM flags off two Amrit Bharat trains
In addition to this, PM Modi also flagged off two Amrit Bharat trains between Darbhanga-Ayodhya-Anand Vihar Terminal and Malda Town-Sir M. Visvesvaraya Terminus in Bengaluru.
Railway authorities have emphasised that these trains are outfitted with cutting-edge technology to guarantee a seamless journey, ensuring passengers do not experience any discomfort or jolts throughout the travel.