Under the hood, the Z6 has a Qualcomm Snapdragon 695 chip. This is paired with up to 8GB RAM and 128GB UFS2.2 storage which is expandable by up to 1TB via a hybrid micro-SD card slot. (Photo credit: Saurabh Singh/Financial Express)
Rounding off the package is a 5,000mAh battery with 18W fast charging. (Photo credit: Saurabh Singh/Financial Express)
The Vivo T1 was a performance-oriented device from the get-go. The iQOO Z6 is essentially the same but for a different market-online only-segment. Pricing and specs are good for the price point, but, except for the added support for 5G (N77, N78) the Z6 doesn’t justify its name. The Z5 with its 6.67-inch 1080p, 120Hz LCD HDR10-ready display, Qualcomm Snapdragon 778 chip, triple rear cameras with 64MP main and 8MP ultrawide, and 44W fast charging, still, packs more obviously at a higher asking price (starting Rs 23,990). And that is why the Z6 is a confusing update. Watch this space for our full review of the iQOO Z6 5G coming soon. (Photo credit: Saurabh Singh/Financial Express)