Benchmark domestic indices Nifty, Sensex, and Bank Nifty hit fresh record highs in trade on Friday, extending gains from Wednesday’s session. Nifty crossed the 19,100 mark, rising 125.35 points, Sensex surged in morning trade to cross 64,400, up 470 points while Bank Nifty, on the other hand, set a new lifetime high at 44,666.6. The indices previously hit this record on Wednesday.
Asian Paints, Power Grid, Bajaj Auto, Infosys and Bajaj Finance are the top winners on the NSE Nifty 50 index, with Asian Paints gaining 2.74%. Adani Ports & SEZ, Eicher Motors, Apollo Hospitals, Tata Steel and Hindalco are the laggards on the index, with Adani Ports lower by 0.95%.