Capital markets regulator Sebi on Wednesday halved the timeline for listing of shares on stock exchanges after the closure of Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) to three days from six days at present.
The new listing timeframe will be voluntary for all public issues opening on or after September 1 and mandatory for all the issues which come after December 1, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) said in a circular.
“It has been decided to reduce the time taken for listing of specified securities after the closure of public issue to three working days (T+3 days) as against the present requirement of 6 working days (T+6 days). ‘T’ being issue closing date,” Sebi said. The regulator said that the compensation to investors for the delay in unblocking of ASBA application money shall be computed from T+3 day.
Sebi said that Registrar to an Issue would undertake third-party verification of the applications by matching the PAN available in the demat account with the PAN available in the bank account of the applicant. In instances of mismatch, such applications would continue to be considered invalid applications for finalising the basis of allotment. The move came after the board of Sebi approved a proposal in this regard in June.