Garmin has launched the Instinct Crossover in India. This is a hybrid smartwatch designed for rugged use. You can call it a potential competitor to the Apple Watch Ultra. Garmin Instinct Crossover price in India starts at Rs 55,990. We take a closer look.
1. The Garmin Instinct Crossover has a design clearly inspired from Casio. It’s a hybrid smartwatch which is to say that it has a digital screen and analogue hands, both in one package. It is MIL-STD-810 and 10 ATM-certified. Garmin’s latest is also thermal and shock resistant.
2. The Garmin Instinct Crossover comes with traditional analogue-type hands with what Garmin calls “Super-Lumi Nova” which allows them to glow in the dark. The hands can automatically move out of the way when you need to read a notification. And they can also recalibrate on their own to using a technology called RevoDrive.
3. The Garmin Instinct Crossover can do heart rate, stress, VO2 Max, Pulse Ox2, Training Status/Load/Effect, HRV Status, and Recovery Time tracking. Sleep monitoring is also covered extensively. You naturally get access to high-quality multi-GPS and navigation quirks like TracBack.
4. The Garmin Instinct Crossover can connect to both Android and iOS devices through Garmin’s Connect app. The solar charging model is touted to offer up to 70 days of battery life in smartwatch mode (this could be infinite in battery saver mode, Garmin says).
5. The standard Instinct Crossover comes in black while the solar edition comes in graphite. The standard variant is priced at Rs 55,990 while the solar charging version will set buyers back by Rs 61,990. (Photos credit: Saurabh Singh/Financial Express)