OnePlus 10 Pro full design and almost all its specs are out, ahead of the phone’s scheduled January 11 launch in China. The phone, in fact, is also available for pre-booking there. There is no word on global availability at this point in time, though you can expect OnePlus to launch the OnePlus 10 Pro in international markets including in India sooner rather than later. OnePlus co-founder (also chief product officer at Oppo) Pete Lau has, also, separately promised “multiple upgrades” which are expected considering the OnePlus 10 Pro will be the brand’s next gen flagship phone that will take on the likes of Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra. Here’s a closer look at the OnePlus 10 Pro, its design, specs, features, and everything we know so far. (Photo credit: OnePlus)
The OnePlus 10 Pro design has been part of rumour mills since November last year. As it turns out, all the leaks were spot-on. The phone will, indeed, have a camera array heavily inspired from the Samsung Galaxy S21 series. OnePlus has confirmed the OnePlus 10 Pro will come in green and black, at least. It will have three camera sensors on the back. (Photo credit: OnePlus)
The OnePlus 10 Pro will come with a 120Hz fluid AMOLED with LTPO panel and hole punch cut-out – this will house a 32MP selfie camera. (Photo credit: OnePlus)
The phone will have three camera sensors on the back consisting of a 48MP main, 50MP ultrawide-angle, and another 8MP camera. OnePlus is retaining its partnership with Hasselblad like before. (Photo credit: OnePlus)
Unsurprisingly, the OnePlus 10 Pro will be powered by Qualcomm’s top-of-the-line Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 chip. (Photo credit: OnePlus)
Under the hood, the phone will have a 5,000mAh battery with 80W “SuperVOOC” wired and 50W “AirVOOC” wireless charging. Note that OnePlus is using Oppo’s branding for its fast-charging system (this was Warp Charge before). (Photo credit: OnePlus)
In China, the OnePlus 10 Pro will run Oppo’s ColorOS though in other markets, the phone should be based on OxygenOS. (Photo credit: OnePlus)
Physical dimensions shared by OnePlus – 163 x 73.9 x 8.55mm – seem to suggest that the OnePlus 10 Pro will be big and chunky, almost in the same ballpark figure as the S21 Ultra. (Photo credit: OnePlus)