Multiple bulk deals took place on Friday, July 7 on NSE. Cell Point (India) Ltd, Ajay Salvi participated in multiple bulk deals. First, Ajay Salvi bought 409,200 shares at an average price of Rs 71.33, totaling Rs 29,188,236. Subsequently, Ajay Salvi sold 1,033,200 shares at an average price of Rs 70.46, resulting in a total of Rs 72,799,272. Additionally, Ankit Mahendrabhai Parlesha bought 103,200 shares at an average price of Rs 70.06, amounting to Rs 7,230,192. Mahadev Manubhai Makvana bought 266,400 shares at an average price of Rs 70.12, totaling Rs 18,679,968. Malti Salvi bought 163,200 shares at an average price of Rs 70.91, resulting in Rs 11,572,512. Malti Salvi also sold 163,200 shares at an average price of Rs 71.82, totaling Rs 11,721,024. Furthermore, Mansi Share And Stock Advisors Pvt Ltd participated in a sell trade, where they sold 180,000 shares at an average price of Rs 69.95, amounting to Rs 12,591,000. Multiplier Share & Stock Advisors bought 120,000 shares at an average price of Rs 69.95, totaling Rs 8,394,000, and sold 69,600 shares at an average price of Rs 69.95, resulting in Rs 4,868,520. NMM Securities bought 22,800 shares at an average price of Rs 71.8, totalling to Rs 16,37,040 and sold 103200 shares at an average price of Rs 75.89 per share, totalling to Rs 78,31,848.
In the case of Essen Speciality Films, Multiplier Share & Stock Advisors bought 140,400 shares at an average price of Rs 139.65, resulting in Rs 19,606,860. They also sold 50,400 shares at an average price of Rs 141.63, amounting to Rs 7,138,152. Additionally, SMC Global Securities bought 147,600 shares at an average price of Rs 140.76, totaling Rs 20,776,176. They also sold 133,200 shares at an average price of Rs 144.48, resulting in Rs 19,244,736.
For Cyber Media (India) Limited, Kesav Singh Shakywar bought 148,637 shares at an average price of Rs 15.37, amounting to Rs 2,284,550.69. On the other hand, Sumana Paruchuri
sold 309,973 shares at an average price of Rs 14.38, totaling Rs 4,457,411.74.
Nirman Agri Gentics Ltd engaged in bulk deals with Multiplier Share & Stock Advisors. They bought 25,200 shares at an average price of Rs 160.34, totaling Rs 4,040,568, and sold 39,600 shares at an average price of Rs 162.40, amounting to Rs 6,431,040.
Olectra Greentech Limited had several bulk deals with various clients. Aakraya Research LLP bought 536,142 shares at an average price of Rs 1,165.02, resulting in Rs 624,616,152.8. They also sold the same number of shares at an average price of Rs 1,165.54, totaling Rs 624,894,946.7. Elixir Wealth Management bought 612,032 shares at an average price of Rs 1,166.60, amounting to Rs 713,996,531.2. They also sold 606,032 shares at an average price of Rs 1,168.60, resulting in Rs 708,208,995.2. Graviton Research Capital LLP bought 887,166 shares at an average price of Rs 1,143.45, totaling Rs 1,014,429,963. They also sold the same number of shares at an average price of Rs 1,143.72, amounting to Rs 1,014,669,498. NK Securities Research bought 830,229 shares at an average price of Rs 1,181.97, resulting in Rs 981,305,771.1. They also sold the same number of shares at an average price of Rs 1,182.54, totaling Rs 981,779,001.7. QE Securities bought 436,719 shares at an average price of Rs 1,166.58, amounting to Rs 509,467,651. They also sold 428,087 shares at an average price of Rs 1,166.05, resulting in Rs 499,170,846.4. XTX Markets LLP bought 589,914 shares at an average price of Rs 1,169.05, totaling Rs 689,638,961.7. They also sold 588,713 shares at an average price of Rs 1,171.56, amounting to Rs 689,712,602.3.
Pentagon Rubber Limited had bulk deals with various clients. LRSD Securities sold 40,000 shares at a price of Rs 130, resulting in Rs 5,200,000. Mansi Share And Stock Advisors bought 100,000 shares at an average price of Rs 126.12, totaling Rs 12,612,000. Moneywise Financial Services sold 56,000 shares at a price of Rs 130, amounting to Rs 7,280,000. Multiplier Share & Stock Advisors bought 50,000 shares at a price of Rs 130, resulting in Rs 6,500,000. Navi Finserv sold 56,000 shares at a price of Rs 130, totaling Rs 7,280,000. SS Corporate Securities bought 112000 shares at an average price of Rs 129.79, totalling Rs 1,45,36,480.
Praj Industries Ltd engaged in bulk deals with Graviton Research Capital LLP. Graviton Research Capital LLP bought 982,329 shares at an average price of Rs 396.97, totaling Rs 389,955,143.1. They also sold the same number of shares at an average price of Rs 397.35, resulting in Rs 390,328,428.2.
In a bulk deal involving Perfect Infraengineer Ltd, Shaileshkumar Ishwarlal Patel sold 78,000 shares at a price of Rs 23.58, amounting to Rs 1,839,240. Quicktouch Technologies Ltd participated in a bulk deal with Vinod Danmal Kothari, who bought 36,000 shares at a price of Rs 144.62, amounting to Rs 5,206,320. Reliance Power Limited had a bulk deal with Hrti Private Limited, where Hrti bought 22,115,041 shares at a price of Rs 15.25, totaling Rs 337,254,375.3. Abhishek Integrations Ltd entered into a bulk deal with Satya Prakash Mittal, where they bought 21,000 shares at an average price of Rs 54.8, amounting to a total of Rs 1,150,800. For Jalan Transolu. India Ltd, Ravi Shobana participated in bulk deals by buying 75,000 shares at an average price of Rs 9.11, totaling Rs 683,250, and selling 9,000 shares at an average price of Rs 9.25, amounting to Rs 83,250. Multiplier Share & Stock Advisors sold 305,960 shares of Kshitij Polyline at an average price of Rs 6.10, resulting in Rs 1,866,356.