The market capitalisation of BSE-listed firms reached an all-time high of Rs 295.72 lakh crore in early trade on Friday, helped by optimism in equities, where the benchmark Sensex hit its new lifetime peak. Rallying for the third day running, the 30-share Sensex surged 499.42 points or 0.78 per cent to reach its all-time high of 64,414.84 in early deals.
Thanks to the rally in equities, the market capitalisation (mcap) of BSE-listed companies jumped to Rs 2,95,72,338.05 crore. Earlier, on June 21, the market capitalisation of BSE-listed firms had hit an all-time high of Rs 2,94,36,594.50 crore.
In Asian markets, Seoul, Shanghai and Hong Kong traded in the green while Tokyo quoted lower. Global oil benchmark Brent crude climbed 0.30 per cent to USD 74.56 a barrel. Foreign institutional investors (FIIs) bought equities worth Rs 12,350 crore on Wednesday, according to exchange data.
The BSE benchmark had surged 499.39 points or 0.79 per cent to settle at its lifetime closing high of 63,915.42 on Wednesday. The Nifty climbed 154.70 points or 0.82 per cent to end at a record high of 18,972.10. Markets were closed on Thursday on account of Eid al-Adha also known as Bakrid.