Godrej Consumer Products share price tumbled 1.9% to Rs 1,011.05 today after the company’s net profit fell 7.6% to Rs 318.82 crore in Q1FY24 compared to Rs 345.12 crore in the year-ago period. It posted revenue from operations at Rs 3,448.91 crore, up 10.4% as against Rs 3,124.97 crore during the same period last year. Analysts at Nuvama and Motilal Oswal have recommended a ‘Buy’ rating on the stock. GCPL stock has fallen over 4% in the last one month while it has risen 17% in the past one year.
The adjusted PAT missed Motilal Oswal’s estimate by 14.7%, affected by the currency depreciation in Nigeria and the reported PAT declined 7.6% on-year due to a stamp duty payment on the acquisition of the Raymond business. According to Nuvama, there are major 3 key risks for GCPL going ahead – 1) A slowdown in rural demand due to lower government spending or a monsoon failure could impact the company’s revenues significantly; 2) Depreciating INR, Indonesian rupiah and Argentine Peso can impact profitability; 3) GCPL’s ability to gain market share in its soap segment could be adversely affected by the aggression of HUL, ITC, Wipro, etc.
Nuvama: Buy – Target Price: Rs 1315
“GCPL has approved a capex of Rs 9bn for ~20% capacity addition in Home Care and Personal Care categories. Going forward, we continue to see top-tier earnings growth. On balance, we maintain ‘BUY’ with an unchanged PE multiple of 50x, yielding a target price of Rs 1,315.”