Moto G51 5G was launched in India on Friday, December 10th. The new budget phone from Motorola undercuts rival phones from Xiaomi, Realme and others in both specs and pricing. Motorola, as always, is touting the phone’s “ad-free, bloatware-free near-stock” software but there are other things to like including a fast display, capable Qualcomm chip and triple cameras, big battery, and support for 12 5G bands. Here’s a closer look at the Moto G51, its specs, features, India price and everything you need to know. (Photo credit: Motorola)
The Moto G51 has an all-plastic body which is being touted for its IP52 water-repellant rating. It will come in two colourways— Indigo Blue and Bright Silver. (Photo credit: Motorola)
The Moto G51 comes with a 6.8-inch 1080p IPS LCD display with a 120Hz refresh rate and hole punch cut-out. (Photo credit: Motorola)
Under the hood, the phone has a Qualcomm Snapdragon 480 Plus system-on-chip which is paired with 4GB RAM and 64GB storage—this is expandable. (Photo credit: Motorola)
The Moto G51 comes with a triple rear camera setup with a 50MP main, 8MP ultra-wide-angle, and another 2MP macro sensor. On the front, the Moto G51 comes with a 13MP selfie camera. (Photo credit: Motorola)
A key highlight of the Moto G51 is its “ad-free, bloatware-free near-stock” Android 11 software. The Moto G51 also packs support for 12 5G bands. Motorola claims that this is “the maximum 5G network band support in the sub-15K segment.” (Photo credit: Motorola)
The Moto G51 has been launched in India at a price of Rs 14,999 for a version with 4GB RAM and 64GB storage. The phone will start selling from December 16th 12PM onwards ‘exclusively’ on Flipkart. (Photo credit: Motorola)