Domestic indices BSE Sensex and NSE Nifty 50 gained in trade on Tuesday. Nifty rose over 100 points to surpass the 18,700 level while Sensex added 375 points to trade at the 63,400 level. The broader markets traded in the green, with Nifty Next 50, Nifty 100, Nifty 500 higher by up to 0.7%. Sectorally, Bank Nifty crossed the 44,000 level intraday. Nifty Auto fell 0.05% while Nifty IT soared 1.55% intraday, and Nifty Metal and Nifty Media gained up to 1.93%. HDFC Bank, Axis Bank, Kotak Bank, Reliance Industries and ITC are the most active Nifty 50 stocks intraday.
Volume Gainers
Blue Coast Hotels, Starteck Finance, Signet Industries, Uma Exports, Bombay Burmah Trading Corporation, Kavveri Telecom Products, Fino Payments Bank, Bodal Chemicals, Nagreeka Exports, Bayer Cropscience, Hitech Corporation, Thomas Cook (India), Inox Wind Energy are among the volume gainers on the NSE.
Price band hitters
On the NSE Nifty, 66 stocks hit their upper price band. Saksoft, Uma Exports, Aspinwall and Company, Servotech Power Systems, Signet Industries, Apollo Micro Systems were among the scrips. 43 stocks hit their lower price band including NIIT, IZMO, Andhra Cements, Jyoti Structures, Pressman Advertising. 12 scrips hit both bands.
Stocks at 52 week highs and lows
On the NSE Nifty, 118 stocks hit their 52 week highs including MRF, Nestle India, ZF Commercial Vehicle Control Systems India, UltraTech Cement, Linde India, PTC Industries, AIA Engineering, Neuland Laboratories, Supreme Industries, Swaraj Engines, Lumax Industries, Inox Wind Energy, Revathi Equipment, Cummins India, Trent, Kaynes Technology India, Tata Communications, Mankind Pharma, HEG, Sarda Energy & Minerals, IndusInd Bank, Centum Electronics, SML Isuzu, Jash Engineering, Cholamandalam Investment and Finance Company, JBM Auto, Axis Bank, The Ramco Cements, Solutions, Hariom Pipe Industries, Global Health, Brigade Enterprises, PNB Housing Finance, Max Healthcare Institute, Prestige Estates Projects, Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers, KEC International, NINtec Systems, Fusion Micro Finance, Avalon Technologies, DLF, Kirloskar Ferrous Industries, Godawari Power And Ispat, Titagarh Wagons among others.
Alternatively, 15 stocks including BEML Land Assets, GHCL Textiles, Lexus Granito (India), Power & Instrumentation (Gujarat), Shah Alloys, V-Mart Retail are at 52 week lows.