Adani Enterprises share price jumped 2.11% to Rs 2344.3 today after the group issued a disclosure, clarifying its position on reports that the US SEC has subpoenaed US investors. The Gautam Adani-led group said, “We are not aware of any subpoena to the US investors by SEC. It is routine that various regulators will seek access to public material.” Meanwhile, the company informed stock exchanges on Tuesday that it has fixed July 7 as the record date for determining the entitlement of the members eligible for receiving dividend and it will be paid on or after July 21. The company’s 31st AGM will be held on July 18 at 10 AM.
“The company has fixed Friday, 7th July 2023 as the ‘Record Date’ for the purpose of determining the entitlement of the members of the Company to receive a Dividend of Rs 1.20 (@ 120%) per equity share having face value of Re. 1/- each fully paid up for the financial year 2022-23. The said Dividend, if declared by the shareholders at the ensuing AGM, shall be paid on or after 21st July 2023, subject to deduction of tax at source as applicable,” Adani Enterprises said.