Multiple World Championship medallist Vinesh Phogat returned her Khel Ratna and Arjuna Award on Saturday symbolically leaving them in the middle of Delhi’s Kartavya Path. This bold move came after the Delhi Police thwarted her attempt to reach the prime minister’s office to personally return the honors. In a powerful statement, Phogat expressed her dissatisfaction with the current state of wrestling and the struggles faced by athletes in seeking justice. Her decision to return the awards was initially conveyed to Prime Minister Narendra Modi in a letter on Tuesday.
Police Intervention: What exactly happened?
Despite Phogat’s intent to return the awards directly to the Prime Minister, Phogat faced obstruction from the police, compelling her to abandon her mission at the Kartavya Path. Delhi Police later collected the awards, marking a symbolic act of protest.
Wrestlers Unite Against Controversial Appointment
Vinesh Phogat, along with Olympic medallists Sakshi Malik and Bajrang Punia, had previously protested against the appointment of Sanjay Singh, a close associate of the former Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) President Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh. Singh had faced allegations of sexual harassment by the three renowned grapplers.
Sakshi Malik’s Retirement and Sports Ministry’s Intervention
Sakshi Malik took an impactful step by announcing her retirement from wrestling following Sanjay Singh’s elevation to WFI Chief. The Sports Ministry later intervened, suspending the newly-elected panel for not adhering to its own constitution. The ministry directed the Indian Olympic Association (IOA) to form an ad-hoc panel to oversee the WFI’s affairs.
IOA’s Response: Ad-Hoc Committee Formation
Following the Sports Ministry’s directive, the IOA swiftly formed a three-member ad-hoc committee to manage the day-to-day affairs of the Wrestling Federation of India (WFI). This move signifies a proactive step to address the concerns raised by the wrestling community and restore order within the sports body.
(With PTI Inputs)