The regular ‘band, bajaa, baraat’ were missing but the festivities seemed intact as Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann turned groom for his wedding with a doctor from Kurukshetra at his home in Chandigarh on Thursday. Mann (48), the first chief minister of the state to get married while in office, is tying the knot with Dr Gurpreet Kaur from Pehowa in Kurukshetra in Haryana. Let us take a look at some of the images from Anand Karaj ceremony:
Punjab CM Bhagwant can be seen walking under a ‘phulkari dupatta’ held up by Chadha among others, and at the ceremony. Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal is also seen. (PTI Photo)
This is Mann’s second marriage. He separated from his first wife in 2015 — they have two children, daughter Seerat Kaur (21) and son Dilshan (17). (PTI Photo)
Kejriwal played the role of an elder from Mann’s family and actively participated in the wedding rituals. (PTI Photo)
Before the wedding, Kejriwal told reporters at the airport, “Today is a day of immense happiness that my younger brother and Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann ji is getting married and is making a new beginning. (PTI Photo)