Vikram Simha, brother of BJP MP Pratap Simha, has been arrested in connection with an alleged tree felling case. He is accused of felling trees in a forest area in Karnataka’s Hassan district, reported ANI, citing officials.
He was arrested from Bengaluru on Saturday by the Organised Crime squad of Central Crime Branch for allegedly cutting trees on government land at Nandagondanahalli in Belur taluk to cultivate ginger. He is currently in the custody of forest department, reported The Hindu.
Speaking to reporters during his visit to HIMS in Hassan, where he was taken to for a medical examination, on Sunday, Simha said, “I will speak openly about the conspiracy being hatched to trouble me and my brother. I will speak at the right time about the officers, who claim to be honest.”
Speaking over his arrest, Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah said that those who break the law will be arrested.
“Those who break the law will be arrested, no one will be arrested if they are innocent people,” he said, as quoted by ANI.
His brother Pratap Simha, who represents Mysore-Kodagu of Karnataka, was recently under scrutiny from the opposition over allegations of providing Parliament passes to individuals responsible for opening gas canisters in the Lok Sabha on December 13.
One of the intruders was carrying a visitor’s pass that was issued by his office. The BJP had later told Speaker Om Birla that the intruder’s father was a resident of his constituency, and he had asked for a pass to visit the Indian Parliament.
Opposition members have questioned why no action has been taken against him, although 146 MPs were suspended for unruly conduct from both the Houses of Parliament over wanting a statement from the Union Minister Amit Shah on the Parliament security breach case.