At New Delhi’s Indira Gandhi International (IGI) Airport, travellers are facing inconvenience due to congestion. For the next few weeks, the situation is likely to remain the same. It is likely to be normal only by the first week of January 2023, after the holiday season ends.Over the past few days, there has been a record number of air passengers. Interestingly, domestic daily passengers have been over 4,00,000. With over 4,28,000 passengers, December 11th hit a peak. The earlier peak was 4,20,000 passengers in March 2020.“The Government of India (GOI) will urgently look at improving the situation at the airport,” Civil Aviation Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia, said in Parliament last week.Most of the complaints pertain to Terminal 3 or T-3 of Indira Gandhi International airport. It handles not only international flights but also some domestic flights. Reportedly, daily, it witnesses a footfall of nearly two lakh passengers, and around 1,200 flights operate from there. There are three terminals at the airport.
New Delhi: Crowd at T3 IGI Airport departure, in New Delhi. (PTI Photo)
New Delhi: Crowd at T3 IGI Airport departure, in New Delhi. (PTI Photo)
New Delhi: Crowd at T3 IGI Airport departure, in New Delhi. (PTI Photo)
New Delhi: Crowd at T3 IGI Airport departure, in New Delhi. (PTI Photo)
New Delhi: Crowd at T3 IGI Airport departure, in New Delhi. (PTI Photo)
New Delhi: Crowd at T3 IGI Airport departure, in New Delhi. (PTI Photo)