Realme GT Master Edition has officially been launched in India. As the name suggests, this is a design-centric smartphone from Oppo spinoff Realme. One of the variants of the phone, that Realme calls Voyager Grey, is the handiwork of Muji’s iconic designer, Naoto Fukasawa. Realme has previously worked with Fukasawa on multiple Master edition models including the Garlic and Onion Master editions of the Realme X launched in India in 2019. Elsewhere, the Realme GT Master Edition is an affordable mid-ranger with a very likeable spec sheet and an aggressive price tag to go along. We will have more to say about the Realme GT Master Edition in our full review, for now, here’s a quick look at the phone, its design, specs, features, and other details. (Photo credit: Saurabh Singh/Financial Express)
The Realme GT Master Edition stands out with its one-of-its-kind suitcase leather design featuring the artwork of designer Naoto Fukasawa. This particular variant comes in grey. There will be standard black and white options available as well. At the onset, this phone is built out of plastic. Like a lot of its other phones, the Realme GT Master Edition is also a slim and light product. (Photo credit: Saurabh Singh/Financial Express)
As for specs, the Master Edition Realme GT comes with a 6.43-inch 1080p Super AMOLED display with a 120Hz refresh rate (360Hz touch sampling) and hole punch cut-out. Brightness tops out at 1000 nits. There is no HDR support. There is an in-display fingerprint reader for biometrics and no screen protection, at least none that is advertised. (Photo credit: Saurabh Singh/Financial Express)
Under the hood, the Realme GT Master Edition has a Qualcomm Snapdragon 778 SoC paired with up to 8GB RAM and up to 256GB storage. Software inside the phone is Realme UI 2.0 based on Android 11. Rounding off the package is a 4,300mAh battery with 65W fast charging. (Photo credit: Saurabh Singh/Financial Express)
For photography, the Master Edition has a triple camera setup on the rear with a 64MP main, 8MP ultra-wide-angle, and another 2MP macro shooter. On the front, it has a 32MP camera. (Photo credit: Saurabh Singh/Financial Express)
The Realme GT Master Edition 5G comes in three configurations: 6GB/128GB, 8GB/128GB and 8GB/256GB. The base 6GB/128GB model costs Rs 25,999, the 8GB/128GB Rs 27,999 while the top-end 8GB/256GB version will set you back by Rs 29,999. (Photo credit: Saurabh Singh/Financial Express)