Kashmir valley was greeted with the season’s first snowfall on Thursday night ending a prolonged dry spell. Light to moderate snow fell in the region bringing some relief from the harsh cold conditions. The minimum temperature in Kashmir rose by a couple of degrees but stayed below the freezing point (PTI Photo) (PTI12_30_2022_000124A)
Flight operations at the Srinagar airport were affected due to the snow. The Srinagar-Leh national highway was also closed.(PTI Photo)
Although the plains of Kashmir experienced light snowfall, the higher altitude areas got moderate snow. The first snowfall of the season came as a happy surprise for the tourists in the state as many shared scenic pictures of the Gulmarg valley. (PTI Photo)
According to officials, Sonmarg, a famous tourist resort in the Ganderbal district, received about 20 inches of snow. In north Kashmir’s Baramulla, the famous skiing area of Gulmarg received seven inches of snow (PTI Photo)
Kashmir is currently undergoing the ‘Chilla-i-Kalan’period — the 40 days of the harshest winter when a cold wave grips the region and the temperature drops considerably. This ends on January 30 after which the mercury starts rising. (PTI Photo)