Vande Bharat Photos: West Bengal is all set for the maiden run of its first Vande Bharat Express. The semi-superfast train has already reached Howrah railway station in Kolkata, from where Prime Minister Narendra Modi will flag off the express on December 30. The train is equipped with all modern passenger amenities and will take around 7.5 hours to reach its final destination i.e. New Jalpaiguri. The train will run six days a week. Let us take a look at some of the images of West Bengal’s first Vande Bharat: (PTI Photo)
Vande Bharat Express train arrives at Howrah railway station in Kolkata, Tuesday, Dec. 27, 2022. (PTI Photo)
Vande Bharat Express train during its trial run at Malda railway station in Malda district, Monday, Dec. 26, 2022. (PTI Photo)
Inside view of the pilot’s cabin in Vande Bharat Express train upon its arrival at Howrah railway station in Kolkata, Tuesday, Dec. 27, 2022. (PTI Photo)
A security personnel checks doors of the pilot’s cabin in Vande Bharat Express train upon its arrival at Howrah railway station in Kolkata, (PTI Photo)