The inaugural journey of the Amrit Bharat Express trains is set to be flagged off by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on December 30 from Ayodhya. According to the railway officials, the train boasts cutting-edge technology ensuring a seamlessly comfortable experience for passengers.
Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw, during his inspection of the train at the New Delhi railway station, highlighted the significance of the Amrit Bharat trains’ special coupler. He emphasised its capacity to nullify jerks, providing a safer operational environment for the train.
This innovative approach ensures a jerk-free ride at speeds reaching a maximum of 130 km, delivering a smooth journey across diverse destinations.
What makes Amrit Bharat Express trains jerk-free?
The semi-coupler technology plays a pivotal role in mitigating the jerk effect experienced during train starts and stops. In contrast to the traditional method, where coaches were joined using a coupler, the Amrit Bharat trains feature a unique semi-permanent coupler that eliminates such discomfort. This not only enhances passenger experience but also contributes to the overall safety of train operations.
In addition to the advanced coupler technology, the train incorporates push-pull technology with engines positioned at both the front and rear. The front engine pulls the train, while the rear engine assists in pushing it forward.
Vaishnaw explained that this setup, known as push-pull technology, results in better acceleration and deceleration, thereby optimizing travel time, especially at critical points like bridges and curves.
Amrit Bharat Express trains features
Further elevating the travel experience, the Amrit Bharat Express is equipped with various features, including horizontal sliding windows, dust-sealed wider gangways, an aerosol-based fire suppression system in toilets and electrical cubicles, an emergency disaster management light, floor guide fluorescent strips, and a bench-type design for LWS coaches.
Additionally, the train incorporates a segregation of reserved and unreserved coaches with sliding doors, ensuring an enhanced and secure travel experience for all passengers.
As PM Modi inaugurates these technologically advanced trains, the Amrit Bharat Express marks a significant leap forward in providing passengers with a comfortable, efficient, and safe railway journey.