Indian shares advanced on Tuesday, powered by information technology and Adani group of stocks, even as markets kept an eye on the U.S. debt ceiling talks. The blue-chip Nifty 50 index was up 0.41% at 18,391.50 as of 10:08 a.m. IST, while the benchmark S&P BSE Sensex rose 0.33% to 62,165.70.
Ten of the 13 major sectoral indexes advanced, with the metal index jumping nearly 3%. Adani Enterprises Ltd , which has a weightage of 17% in the metal index, jumped over 12% and was the top Nifty 50 gainer. All the Adani group stocks surged between 2% and 13%, and extended gains after markets regulator Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI)drew a blank in probe into suspected violations in overseas investments in the group.
High-weightage IT stocks rose nearly 1%. A report from credit ratings provider S&P Global Ratings, on Monday, said Indian IT companies have the resilience to downside risks due to strong balance sheets, high recurring cash flows, and execution track record. While the debt ceiling talks in the U.S. did not yield an agreement on Monday, both U.S. President Joe Biden and House Republican Speaker Kevin McCarthy vowed to continue negotiations. Asian markets advanced on hints of progress in U.S. debt ceiling talks and strong macroeconomic data from Japan.