Redmi Note 11T 5G was launched in India on Tuesday, November 30th. Successor to the Redmi Note 10T which was launched earlier this year, the Redmi Note 11T 5G is Redmi’s second 5G phone in India. With a starting price of Rs 16,999, the Redmi Note 11T 5G will take on the likes of the Lava Agni 5G and Realme 8s 5G—both of which pack very similar specs including the MediaTek Dimensity 810 chip. Here’s a closer look at the Redmi Note 11T 5G, its specs, features, India price and everything you need to know. (Photo credit: Xiaomi)
The Redmi Note 11T 5G has an all-plastic body—with soft matte finish—very reminiscent of the Redmi 10 Prime. It comes with IP53 dust and splash-resistant rating and Corning Gorilla Glass 3 screen protection. The phone will be available in three colourways— Matte Black, Aquamarine Blue, and Stardust White. (Photo credit: Xiaomi)
The Redmi Note 11T 5G comes with a 6.6-inch 1080p IPS LCD display with a 90Hz adaptive refresh rate (240Hz touch sampling) and hole punch cut-out. (Photo credit: Xiaomi)
The Redmi Note 11T 5G has two cameras on the back—even though the Redmi 10 Prime-like camera housing would give you the impression that it has four. There is a 50MP main sensor (unspecified) behind an f/1.8 lens, and another 8MP ultra-wide-angle sensor behind a 119-degree field-of-view lens. On the front, the Redmi Note 11T 5G comes with a 16MP selfie camera. (Photo credit: Xiaomi)
Under the hood, the phone has a MediaTek Dimensity 810 chip which is paired with up to 8GB RAM and up to 128GB storage—this is expandable. Software is MIUI 12.5. (Photo credit: Xiaomi)
The Redmi Note 11T 5G has a 5,000mAh battery with 33W fast charging support. Rounding off the package are dual speakers, IR blaster, and side-mounted fingerprint reader. (Photo credit: Xiaomi)
The Redmi Note 11T 5G has been launched in India at a starting price of Rs 16,999 for a version with 6GB RAM and 64GB storage. A version with 6GB RAM and 128GB storage will cost Rs 17,999 while the top-end 8GB/128GB version will sell for Rs 19,999. For a limited period, Xiaomi will sell the phone at a Rs 1,000 discount. There will be an additional Rs 1,000 discount available on ICICI Bank credit card and EMI transactions. The Redmi Note 11T 5G will start selling from December 7th 12PM onwards across Mi.com/in, Mi Home, Amazon India, and retail stores. (Photo credit: Xiaomi)