Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 3 5G was launched in India recently. It is one of two folding phones that Samsung has launched recently, the other being the Galaxy Z Fold 3 5G. Follow-up to the Galaxy Z Flip from last year, the Galaxy Z Flip 3 brings a bigger, more useful cover display and water-resistant design packed inside a slightly more compact body available in a bevy of colour options. There is obviously more powerful hardware inside this phone but the bigger deal here is the all-round refinement. While we will speak in depth about it in our full review, here’s a quick look at the Galaxy Z Flip 3, its design, specs, features, and other details. (Photo credit: Saurabh Singh/Financial Express)
Like the Z Fold 3, the Z Flip 3 is also IPX8 certified which makes it water resistant. Samsung says you can submerge it in up to 1.5m of freshwater for up to 30 minutes. For a foldable with a prominent hinge, this is a rare feat, something that we will be testing out more extensively in the coming days. (Photo credit: Saurabh Singh/Financial Express)
The body of the Z Flip 3 is made almost entirely out of Corning Gorilla Glass Victus, and the main camera unit has Corning Gorilla Glass DX, like the Z Fold 3. It is also using Samsung’s new armour aluminum frame which is said to be 10 percent stronger than the material used on previous generation. (Photo credit: Saurabh Singh/Financial Express)
Another big highlight is the Z Flip 3’s cover display is that it is finally getting some degree of practicality. It is almost 2-inch now and is also getting a slight resolution bump so taking selfies in dual preview is more useful. (Photo credit: Saurabh Singh/Financial Express)
The inner screen remains largely untouched which is a bummer considering Samsung has put an under-display camera in the Z Fold 3. It is 6.7-inch 1080p with dynamic 120Hz refresh rate and the hole punch cut-out houses the same 10MP camera as last year. (Photo credit: Saurabh Singh/Financial Express)
The rear camera setup is also being carried forward, so you still get dual 12MP cameras (wide+ultra-wide-angle). (Photo credit: Saurabh Singh/Financial Express)
The Z Flip 3 does not support a stylus like the Z Fold 3. (Photo credit: Saurabh Singh/Financial Express)
Under the hood, the Galaxy Z Flip 3 has a Qualcomm Snapdragon 888 system-on-chip paired with 8GB of RAM and up to 256GB storage. (Photo credit: Saurabh Singh/Financial Express)
Battery capacity is same as last year, which is 3,300mAh. (Photo credit: Saurabh Singh/Financial Express)
The Galaxy Z Flip 3 starts at Rs 84,999 for a version with 8GB RAM and 128GB storage. A version with 256GB storage will set you back by Rs 88,999. It will be up for pre-booking starting August 24 through September 9 on Samsung.com and across leading retail stores. As a pre-booking offer, Samsung will be offering customers either an upgrade voucher of Rs 7,000 or HDFC Bank cashback of up to Rs 7,000 using credit and debit card. Customers will also be eligible for free 1-year Samsung Care Plus accidental and liquid damage protection worth Rs 4,799 on pre-booking the Galaxy Z Flip 3. Shipping starts from September 10. Watch this space for our full review of the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 3 in the days to come. (Photo credit: Saurabh Singh/Financial Express)