The Delhi High Court on Saturday asked journalist and YouTuber Shyam Meera Singh to delete his tweets on Dera Sacha Sauda chief Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh, reported Bar and Bench.
Vacation judge Manoj Jain directed Shyam Singh to delete the tweets that were posted by him.
The Bench, however, did not pass any orders directing Shyam Singh to delete the video that is published on YouTube, which the Dera chief has called derogatory.
Shyam’s counsel has sought time to file a reply.
The Court said that it will consider Ram Rahim’s plea for interim directions after Singh’s counsels file their reply.
The matter will next be heard on January 4, 2023 for further hearing on the interim stay on streaming of the video.
The Delhi High Court on Friday had issued a notice on plea by Ram Rahim seeking directions for the taking down of a video titled ‘How Gurmeet Ram Rahim fooled his bhakts?’ posted by Shyam Meera Singh on December 17.
Dera Chief’s counsel had told the Court that a legal notice was sent by his client on December 21 to YouTube and Shyam Meera Singh who uploaded the alleged video. He submitted that the video is “clearly derogatory, disparaging and denigrating”, reported The Indian Express.
“He (Shyam Meera Singh) is a habitual offender… After we put him to notice, he puts out a remark/comment on Twitter (now known as X) saying ‘I’m not going to delete these videos’. Totally defiant. He has been accused by the UP administration also for having insulted the Chief Minister. An FIR came to be registered at the instance of a UP resident,” the counsel said.
Ram Rahim is currently serving jail sentence for allegedly raping two women disciples.