This is how Indian Railways’ Vande Bharat Express trains are manufactured in Chennai. It is said that every unit of Vande Bharat Express is estimated to be 40 per cent cheaper than European ones. In the recent pictures workers are seen busy in production of coaches of the Vande Bharat Express at LHB Shed in Integrated Coach Factory (ICF) Chennai. Let us take a look at some of the images:
Workers busy in production of coaches of the Vande Bharat Express as media person document, at LHB Shed in Integrated Coach Factory (ICF) Chennai. (PTI Photo)
The government had said that the Vande Bharat have been designed and built in India, keeping with the vision of Prime Minister’s ’Make in India’. (PTI Photo)
The coaches of the Vande Bharat Express train are equipped with GPS based audio-visual passenger information system. (PTI Photo)
There will be a total of 16 AC coaches of which two coaches are executive class coaches. (PTI Photo)
The total seating capacity of Vande Bharat is of 1,128 passengers. (PTI Photo)
The driver cabin of the Vande Bharat Express under production, at LHB Shed in Integrated Coach Factory (ICF) Chennai. (PTI Photo)