Markets regulator Sebi has settled a case with an individual on payment of nearly Rs 46 lakh as settlement amount in relation to alleged violation of certain norms related to prohibition of unfair trade practices.
Sebi had received a complaint from Finsec Law Advisors alleging that Pawan N Agarwal and two others had violated certain provisions of PFUTP (Prohibition of Fraudulent and Unfair Trade Practices) regulations with respect to trades of its client Aequitas.
“Pursuant to the investigation, it was observed that Pawan N Agarwal… had mirrored certain trades of Aequitas and thereby violated the provisions… PFUTP Regulations,” the watchdog said while modifying a recent order through a corrigendum.
Earlier, it was alleged that the individual had violated provisions of PFUTP by engaging in front running/ mirror trading of trades.
The individual paid Rs 45,99,600 as the settlement amount.
Earlier, Sebi order had said the settlement amount was Rs 44,20,000 and the revised figure was mentioned in the corrigendum dated July 5. The order was passed on July 4.
A show cause notice was issued to the individual in April this year and in June, the individual filed a settlement application.
On payment of the settlement amount, the matter has been settled with the regulator.