Delhi welcomed the first monsoon showers on Thursday morning which provided much-needed respite from the oppressive heat. The India Meteorological Department said the southwest monsoon further advanced into Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmiri, some parts of Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan on June 30. Several parts of Delhi like ITO, Barapullah, Ring Road and the capital borders, specially Delhi-Noida border, Chilla Border, UP Gate, Delhi-Gurugram road experienced heavy traffic as rains lashed the national capital. Let us take a look at some of the images:
The newly inaugurated Pragati Maidan tunnel reported waterlogging during the first monsoon rains in the city on Thursday morning. (PTI Photo)
The southwest monsoon usually arrives in the national capital on June 27 and covers the entire country by July 8.(PTI Photo)
The Public Works Department (PWD) has set up a Central Control Room from where 10 critical waterlogging sites in Delhi are being monitored 24×7 through CCTV cameras. (PTI Photo)
The IMD has issued an orange alert, warning of heavy rainfall in some areas in the city on Thursday and moderate rainfall on Friday. (PTI Photo)
Last year, the IMD had forecast that the monsoon would arrive in Delhi nearly two weeks before its usual date. However, it reached the capital only on July 13, making it the most delayed in 19 years. (PTI Photo)
Weather experts have said the monsoon is expected to yield good rainfall in Delhi in the first 10 days and help cover the rain deficit. (PTI Photo)
Boys play on a road amid monsoon rains, in New Delhi. Delhi region is witnessing heavy rain with the onset of monsoon, bringing much-needed relief after days of a hot and humid weather. (PTI Photo)