Benchmark indices NSE Nifty 50 and BSE Sensex ended Monday’s session in green. The Nifty 50 surged 80.30 points or 0.41% to 19,597.30 and Sensex soared 232.23 points or 0.35% to 65,953.48. In sectoral indices, Bank Nifty dipped 42 points or 0.09% to 44,837.50, Nifty PSU Bank tumbled 0.60% while Nifty Auto rose 0.41%, Nifty IT jumped 1.13%, Nifty Pharma soared 1.56% and Nifty Realty gained 0.58%. The top gainers on Nifty 50 were Divis Laboratories, Mahindra & Mahindra, SBI Life, Sun Pharma and LTIM while the losers were Britannia, Bajaj Auto, SBIN, Tata Motors and Axis Bank.
“The Indian market began the data-centric week with modest gains, primarily propelled by strong performances in the pharma and IT sectors. Global markets portrayed a mixed picture, with US futures exhibiting positivity in response to a moderation in bond yields, while European markets experienced declines due to weak economic data. Caution prevailed in the market due to the anticipation of upcoming inflation data and the RBI’s monetary policy,” said Vinod Nair, Head of Research at Geojit Financial Services.