Jewellery retail player Senco Gold Ltd on Monday said it has mobilised Rs 121.5 crore from anchor investors ahead of its initial share sale.The company has allocated 38.33 lakh shares to 21 funds at an average price of Rs 317 apiece, according to a circular uploaded on the BSE website.BNP Paribas Arbitrage, Societe Generale, Elara India Opportunities Fund, 3P India Equity Fund 1, Nippon India Mutual Fund (MF), WhiteOak Capital MF, Sundaram MF, Bandhan MF, Jupiter India Fund and Max Life Insurance Company are among the anchor investors.
Senco Gold’s Rs 405-crore Initial Public Offer (IPO) comprises a fresh issue of equity shares aggregating up to Rs 270 crore and an offer-for-sale (OFS) of equity shares worth Rs 135 crore by shareholder SAIF Partners India IV Ltd. At present, SAIF Partners has a 19.23 per cent stake in the jewellery retail chain.The issue, with a price band of Rs 301 to Rs 317 apiece, will open for public subscription on July 4 and conclude on July 6. Of the Rs 270 crore, the company proposes to use Rs 196 crore of net proceeds from the fresh issue towards funding working capital requirements and the remaining for general corporate purposes.