Benchmark indices NSE Nifty 50 and BSE Sensex were trading in the green on Thursday. In the intraday trade, the NSE Nifty 50 gained 37.10 points or 0.18% and made a new all-time high at 19,870.25. The BSE Sensex rose 86.06 points or 0.12% to reach a new all-time high at 67,183.50 intraday. The broader market indices were mostly trading in green – Nifty Midcap 50 gained 0.15%, Nifty 100 gained 0.13%, and Nifty Smallcap 250 rose 0.43% while Nifty Next 50 slipped 0.24%. The Volatility Index (India VIX) rose 1.12%.
In sectoral indices, Nifty Bank gained 0.27%, Nifty Financial Service rose 0.16%, Nifty Auto slipped 0.09%, Nifty PSU Bank gained 0.83%, Nifty Pharma jumped fell 1.18%, Nifty IT fell 0.99 %, Nifty FMCG rose 0.79%, and Nifty Media fell 0.99%. Reliance Industries, HDFC Bank, Polycab India, State Bank of India, ICICI Bank, Infosys, Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders, Suzlon Energy, Axis Bank, Kotak Mahindra Bank, Federal Bank, Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories, ABB India, and Punjab National Bank were the most active stocks on NSE.
Stocks at 52-Week Lows
Atam Valves, Fiberweb (India), GSS Infotech, Jet Airways (India), SEL Manufacturing Company, Senco Gold, MT Educare, Paras Petrofils, Shree Ram Proteins, and Suumaya Industries were among 11 stocks that hit 52-week lows.
Volume Gainers
Tokyo Plast International, Hatsun Agro Product, KCP Sugar and Industries Corporation, Simbhaoli Sugars, MRO-TEK Realty, Krsnaa Diagnostics, Rajshree Sugars & Chemicals, Umang Dairies, K.M.Sugar Mills, Dodla Dairy, Sahyadri Industries, Rana Sugars, and Bajaj Hindusthan Sugar were among the volume gainers.