Bollywood actor John Abraham has acquired a lavish bungalow in Mumbai’s Khar area, complete with a 5,416 sqft living space and a 7,722 sqft land parcel, for a substantial sum of Rs 70.83 crore. The property transaction details were uncovered through property registration documents obtained by
Situated in the bustling Linking Road of Khar, renowned for being one of Mumbai’s prime retail high streets and home to various educational institutions, the bungalow reflects John Abraham’s significant investment in Mumbai’s real estate landscape. The actor finalized the deal on December 27, 2023, and duly paid a stamp duty amounting to Rs 4.24 crore. Despite attempts to seek a comment from the actor, a response is still awaited.
Recently, Bachchan made headlines for gifting his Mumbai-based bungalow, Prateeksha, to his daughter, Shweta Nanda. The property spans two plots, measuring 890.47 sq m and 674 sq m, in the Juhu area of Mumbai.
The gift deed for this generous gesture was executed on November 8, accompanied by a stamp duty payment of Rs 50.65 lakh, as indicated by the relevant documents.
Returning to John Abraham’s new acquisition in Khar, the per sqft price for residential real estate in the area varies between Rs 40,000 and 90,000, contingent on factors like location and property grade, as outlined by local real estate experts.